A new Codebook designed to make broadcasting standards simpler, clearer and more user-friendly for broadcasters and audiences takes effect from today.
One relates to a complaint that a Morning Report item stating ‘Protesters occupying Parliament grounds have been calling for reinforcements…’ breached the law and order standard.
These include a decision upholding a complaint that the screening of the crime-drama Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey, classified ‘M’, on Bravo at 7.
One involved a complaint that a journalist’s undercover filming of a doctor issuing medical certificates to patients to attempt to use as vaccine exemptions, breached the privacy and law and…
The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) has not upheld a complaint that a Seven Sharp segment breached the accuracy standard when a leading immunisation expert described the composition and safety of…
In one decision, the Authority upheld a complaint that footage on The Project of a child being encouraged to perform a hongi with an electric fence breached the law and…
One relates to a complaint that a TV discussion about musicians’ backlash to podcaster Joe Rogan, mentioning his use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19, was unfair.