One relates to a complaint that two items on 1 News concerning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine breached multiple standards. This was not upheld. The decisions can be seen here.
One relates to a complaint the comment ‘pale, male and stale’ in an item on local government diversity breached the discrimination and denigration standard. This was not upheld.
One decision relates to a complaint that it was inappropriate for the AM Show to broadcast multiple images of spiders due to viewers potentially having arachnophobia.
New Zealanders are worried a shift to online platforms is fuelling misinformation and making it harder to identify ‘the truth’, according to new research from the Broadcasting Standards Authority.
One concerns a complaint alleging a 1 News report on a leaked draft US Supreme Court decision relating to Roe v Wade was unbalanced due to a lack of pro-life…
The Board of the Broadcasting Standards Authority | Te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho has appointed Stacey Wood as the organisation’s new Chief Executive.
One relates to a complaint a Newshub item reporting poll results on support for the monarchy breached the accuracy standard by conflating the issues of NZ becoming a republic and…