Rugby World Cup advertisement. Complaint that it was drawing attention to a Steinlager beer advertisement in the Sunday nespapers in breach of the liquor advertising rules. Upheld: majority (liquor). No order.
Funny Business: "Ron the Devil". Complaint that sketch was offensive. Upheld: majority (good taste and decency). Not upheld (discrimination and denigration). No order.
3 National News. Items about rugby league and a fight on an Australian talkback show. Complaint about gratuitous violence. Not upheld (violence).
Orthoxicol advertisement. Complaint that it lacked taste and used sex to sell an unrelated product. Not upheld (good taste and decency).
Waiting for God. Complaint that there was gratuitous blasphemy. Not upheld (good taste and decency, discrimination and denigration).
Holmes, Foreign Correspondent. Items dealing with IRA. Not upheld (balance).
Holmes. Item showed cricketers wearing clothing with liquor company logo on it. Complaint that advertisement not clearly distinguishable from other programme material. Not upheld (liquor).
Defenders of the Earth. Complaint about violence in cartoon series. Not upheld (children's interests, violence).
Holmes. Item reviewed rugby match in which a liquor advertising sign was shown. Complaint that the item showed partiality towards the liquor company concerned. Not upheld (balance, accuracy).
Obscene joke about women in station's final hour. Upheld (good taste and decency). No order.