Board Charter
As the board of an independent crown entity focused on freedom of expression without harm, it is crucial we maintain the highest level of integrity, fairness, openness and professionalism.
We bring to our roles a spirit of service to the community and a desire to improve the wellbeing of New Zealanders, including approaches consistent with Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Responsibilities under this code
Personal integrity
We act with honesty and with high standards of professional and personal integrity.
We are truthful and open. We speak up in board meetings to ensure our decisions reflect freedom of expression without harm; protect the independence of our organisation and show due care for it, complainants, broadcasters and our staff.
We deal with people fairly, impartially, promptly, sensitively and to the best of our ability.
We do not act in a way that unjustifiably favours or discriminates against particular individuals or interests. We help create an environment where diverse perspectives and backgrounds are encouraged and valued. We treat other members and staff with courtesy and respect.
Broadcasting standards reflect the interests and beliefs of a complex multicultural nation, with members sensitive to developments in society.
We treat all concerns raised by others seriously.
We will ensure the BSA has clear policies and procedures in place that help expose serious threats to our organisation and achieve the goal of free speech without harm. We will support a culture where complainants, broadcasters and staff feel they have a voice.
Professional conduct
When acting as a member, we do not pursue our own interests at the expense of the BSA's.
We do not misuse resources for personal gain or for political purposes. We behave in a way that reflects well on the reputation of the BSA and do not do anything to harm it.
We never seek gifts, hospitality or favours for ourselves, members of our families or other close associates. We follow our procedures and inform the Chair in relation to any offers of gifts or hospitality. We ensure that, where a gift or hospitality is accepted, it is recorded in our gift register.
We use information we gain in the course of our duties only for its intended purpose and never to obtain an advantage for ourselves or others or to cause detriment to the BSA.
We are well informed about privacy, official information and protected disclosures legislation. We fully comply with our procedures in relation to official information.
We act in an impartial manner. Irrespective of our own interests, we conduct ourselves in a way that enables us to effectively reflect our legislative mandate whoever is in Government.
When acting in our private capacity, we avoid any activity that could jeopardise our ability to perform our role, or which could erode the public’s trust in the BSA. We discuss with the Chair any proposal to make comment or to undertake any significant activity which would jeopardise the BSA.
We carry out our work with care, diligence and skill.
We give proper consideration to matters and seek and consider all relevant information.
Acting lawfully
We understand and act in accordance with all statutory and administrative requirements relevant to our roles.
We play a full and active role in the work of the board and fulfil all our duties responsibly. We respect the principle of collective decision-making and corporate responsibility. This means once the board has made a decision, we support it. We follow board protocols for public comment.
We identify, disclose, manage and regularly review all interests.
We become familiar with, and follow, all conflicts of interest requirements, including those of the board, the entity, and all statutory and professional requirements including the Crown Entities Act 2004, sections 62-72.