Holmes: American carpet advertisement. Showed a baby buggy, comment about woman's legs. Complaint that advertisement denigrated women. Not upheld: majority (discrimination and denigration). Declined to determine: minority: complaint trivial.
"Boys in Black" advertisement for Rugby World Cup. Complaint that breached liquor advertising rules. Declined to determine (liquor): complaint trivial.
Big Serve liquor advertisement on TVNZ. Not upheld (liquor).
"Bladderbusters" promotion. Complaint that it breached the liquor advertising rules. Upheld (liquor). No order.
Fair Go. Item on paintings sold door to door. Complaint that it denigrated New Zealanders born in Asia. Not upheld (discrimination and denigration).
For the Love of Mike. Programme involved the leading character's relationship with her psychologist partner when she discovered his treatment of sexual dysfunction among his female patients. Not upheld (good taste and decency, discrimination and denigration).
One World of Sport. Live broadcast of DB Steeplechase. Complaint that it breached liquor advertising rules. Not upheld (liquor).
One Foot in the Grave and trailer. Complaint episode was blasphemous. Not upheld: majority (good taste and decency): programme. Not upheld (discrimination and denigration, children's interests, responsible programming): programme and trailer.
Radio 4ZA in Invercargill. News item about educational standards at a local school. Upheld (balance). Not upheld (responsible programming (children's interests)). Subsumed (accuracy).
Documentary Catching Up. Complaint that childhood reminiscences were inaccurate. Upheld: majority (fairness). Declined to determine (accuracy, privacy). No order.