BSA Decisions Ngā Whakatau a te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho

All BSA's decisions on complaints 1990-present
All Decisions
Tarrant and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1994-076

3 National News. Interview with author of forthcoming book with revelations about conduct of ferry staff. Not upheld (law and order, balance, fairness, discrimination and denigration).

Wellington Palestine Group and Radio New Zealand Ltd - 1994-069

Good Morning New Zealand. Four items referred to events taking place in Middle East. Complaint about RNZ not labelling territories in the region correctly. Upheld: majority (accuracy, one aspect). Not upheld (accuracy, three other aspects). No order.

Jardine Insurance Brokers Ltd and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-070

Fair Go. Two programmes examined problems associated with extent of cover provided by crop insurance. Upheld: some aspects (balance, fairness). Upheld: majority: some aspects (accuracy). Order (broadcast of summary of decision).

Minister of Health (Hon Jenny Shipley) and Radio New Zealand Ltd - 1994-071

RNZ. Talkback host's interview of Minister of Health queried specialists working in both the public and private health sectors. Upheld: majority (fairness, questions about the value of the Minister's home). Not upheld (fairness, concluding remark): action taken sufficient. Not upheld: majority (balance). No order.

Families Apart Require Equality Inc and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1994-066

20/20. Statement approved by the Authority was broadcast by TV3 after the Authority upheld a complaint about a 20/20 programme (Decision No: 1994/003). Complaint that it was inaccurate about FARE being for liable parents only. Upheld (accuracy). No order.

Copeland and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1994-067

3 National News trailer (promo). Trailer preceding discussion about the Hero Gay and Lesbian Parade showed near naked men and women dancing. Not upheld (good taste and decency, children's interests).

Malcolm and Others and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-068

Holmes. Item dealt with couple who had previously been members of the Exclusive Brethren Fellowship and with their ongoing family dispute. Not upheld: majority (accuracy). Not upheld (balance, fairness, discrimination and denigration).

Group Opposed to Advertising of Liquor and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-061

Countrywide Bank Grandstand. Signs advertising Speights beer were visible at one rugby game; a shot of another rugby game included signs advertising Liquorland and Lion Red beer. Upheld (liquor). No order.

New and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-063

Grace Under Fire promo. Complaint that comedy series about a single mother contained unacceptable "below the belt" humour. Not upheld (good taste and decency).

Wellington Palestine Group and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-064

One Network News. Complaint that the Occupied Territories, not Israel, was the correct description of the area referred to. Not upheld (accuracy).

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