BSA Decisions Ngā Whakatau a te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho

All BSA's decisions on complaints 1990-present
All Decisions
J and 92.2XS - 1998-023, 1998-024

92.2XS Palmerston North. Station broadcast an obscene phone call referring to the complainant. Upheld (privacy; inadequacy of action taken by broadcaster in relation to the complaints re good taste and decency, fairness, deceptive programme practice). Orders ($750 costs to Crown, $250 compensation to complainant).


Hay and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1998-012

This is Your Life: Billy T Awards promo. The promo referred to masturbation. Not upheld: action taken sufficient (good taste and decency, children's interests).

Drake and The Radio Network Ltd - 1998-013

91ZM (Wellington). Publicity stunt organised by station required male volunteers to stand naked on the street for 90 minutes with a goldfish bowl appropriately positioned to avoid embarrassment. It was broadcast on 3 National News. Complaint based upon domplainant's assumption that the promotion of the stunt involved a broadcast which breached the good taste standard. But he didn't hear the broadcasts complained about. TRN advised that there was no pre-promotion of the stunt and no invitation to listeners to turn up to see naked men on a street. Declined to determine (good taste and decency).

Dingwall and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1998-014

Sunday Theatre: "Highwater". Joke referred to simulated sex between a cat lover and her pet. Complaint referral was out of time. Declined to determine (good taste and decency, law and order: the Authority had no discretion to receive a complaint which is out of time).

Keina and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1998-015

Havoc. Live broadcast of Guy Fawkes Day party held on the roof of the TVNZ building in Auckland. Complainant said the combination of fireworks, alcohol and young people was unsafe and a poor example for the young people at whom the channel is targeted, and she questioned the propriety of having people who appeared to be under the legal age drinking alcohol in public. Not upheld (liquor, anti-social behaviour).

Barr and Radio New Zealand Ltd - 1998-016

National Radio's Focus on Politics. Programme reported on the Ngai Tahu settlement with the Crown and included interviews with several people, representing different viewpoints. Not upheld (action taken sufficient).

Smits and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1998-005, 1998-006

Assignment. Documentary about West Auckland used the murder of a young woman by her partner to illustrate the theme of the "Wild West". Complaint that item lacked balance and that by showing and identifying her, it had breached the privacy of the murdered woman's young daughter. Not upheld (balance, privacy).

Hill and Gardner and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1998-007, 1998-008, 1998-009

20/20: "Fighting Back". The programme referred to the recent publication by convicted murderer Gay Oakes of her book "Decline into Darkness" and in reviewing her case and in its context, the unsuccessful defence of battered woman's syndrome, it used footage relating to the crime and the trial. Not upheld (privacy, balance, accuracy).

Corrin and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1998-010

One Network News. Item dealing with an exhibition dedicated to victims of the Holocaust described the exhibition as being located at the Auckland Museum. Declined to determine (did not raise a matter of standards).

Lennon and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1998-011

McPhail and Gadsby. Episode depicted a naval officer groping the breasts of a woman cadet while instructing male cadets on what constituted sexual harassment. Not upheld: majority (good taste and decency, children's interests, violence).

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