Lowe and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1996-034
- J M Potter (Chair)
- A Martin
- L M Loates
- R McLeod
- John Lowe
Heartland: GlenorchyBroadcaster
Television New Zealand LtdChannel/Station
A view of male genitalia was electronically obscured during a sequence in the
programme Heartland: Glenorchy in which three naked men were shown sliding along a
patch of wet grass. The programme broadcast on TV One at 8.35pm on 9 January 1996
was a repeat broadcast.
Mr Lowe complained to Television New Zealand Ltd that the use of the electronic
technique breached a number of broadcasting standards as it encouraged unhealthy
attitudes by implying that parts of the body should be hidden.
Pointing out that Mr Lowe's complaint on similar grounds had not been upheld by the
Authority when the item was broadcast in March 1994, TVNZ declined to uphold this
complaint as, it maintained, the earlier reasoning remained valid. Dissatisfied with both
TVNZ's decision and aspects of the Authority's reasoning on the earlier decision, Mr
Lowe referred the complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority under s.8(1)(a) of
the Broadcasting Act 1989.
For the reasons given below, the Authority, declines to determine the complaint.
The members of the Authority have viewed the item complained about and have read the
correspondence (summarised in the Appendix). As is its practice, the Authority
determines the complaint without a formal hearing.
Following the broadcast of Heartland: Glenorchy on 15 March 1994, Mr Lowe
complained to TVNZ that the electronic masking of the genitalia of three naked men
shown sliding naked through the wet grass breached the programme standards. TVNZ
declined to uphold the complaint and it was referred to the Authority. After assessing
the complaint under standards G1, G2, G3, G5, G7, G12, G13 and G19 of the
Television Code of Broadcasting Practice, the Authority wrote (No: 51/94, 30 June
In assessing the complaint, the Authority focused on the standard G2 requirement
for good taste and decency in context. It agreed with TVNZ that it would
contravene the accepted norms of decent behaviour to show, without good
reason, a close-up of male genitalia on a programme which TVNZ explained was
targeted at a family audience. Indeed, the Authority would like to commend
TVNZ for the compromise involved in the broadcast. As noted, the portrayal of
male genitalia would likely have given rise to complaints while the deletion of the
segment would have removed part of the programme which depicted some
exuberant behaviour. The Authority believed the compromise retained the light-
hearted aspects of the item in such a way which did not focus on the technique
used to remove the broadcast of the genitalia.
It declined to uphold the complaint.
A repeat of Heartland: Glenorchy was broadcast on 9 January 1996. Mr Lowe again
complained about the electronic technique used to mask the genitalia of three naked men
sliding in the grass. On this occasion, he alleged breaches of standards G1, G5, G12
G13 and G19 of the Code. TVNZ declined to uphold the complaint and, when it was
referred to the Authority, suggested that the Authority use its powers in s.11 of the Act
to decline to determine the complaint.
Having examined the papers, the Authority is of the opinion that the relevant issues
were addressed in Decision No: 51/94. Accordingly, it is adopting TVNZ's proposal.
For the above reasons, the Authority declines to determine the complaint
in all the circumstances under s.11(b) of the Broadcasting Act 1989.
Signed for and on behalf of the Authority
Judith Potter
21 March 1996
John Lowe's Complaint to Television New Zealand Ltd - 10 January
Mr Lowe of Oakura complained to Television New Zealand Ltd about the broadcast of
Heartland: Glenorchy on 9 January 1996. At about 9.25pm, he wrote, a 15 second
sequence showed three naked men skidding on their stomachs on the wet grass. He
For just one second, as one of the participants stood, his penis (already largely
obscured by his arm) was electronically masked. At the point in question that
person was framed: "medium shot" (head to groin) putting the pubic hair at the
bottom of the frame, largely out of the "action area".
Mr Lowe maintained that the broadcast breached standards G1, G5, G12, G13 and G19
of the Television Code of Broadcasting Practice. Standard G1 requires factual accuracy
and was contravened, he said, as the item hid the fact that a male has a penis. Under
standard G5, broadcasters are required to respect the principles of law which, Mr Lowe
argued, was transgressed as nakedness in a public place is not illegal unless reasonable
people find it annoying or insulting and uncommon in the place it occurs. He
I accept that it may be uncommon to see naked men on a race course but it was
clear in these circumstances, none of the persons present were annoyed or
insulted: quite the contrary.
Standard G12 requires broadcasters to be mindful of the effect of a programme on
children which, Mr Lowe said, while acknowledging that the PGR rated programme
was screened outside children's normal viewing hours, could corrupt children's attitude
to their bodies.
As programmes which displayed naked black men did not use masking, Mr Lowe
claimed, its use when naked white men were shown encouraged discrimination. Finally
he wrote, the standard G19 requirement that editing not distort was breached as the
programme was not clearly a "reflection" of the original event.
Mr Lowe concluded:
My concern is that deliberate, mandatory concealment of the human form, blocks
an aspect of development in the child: there is a simple need to know the true form
of one's own species. Maintained through puberty, that block creates a
potentially serious confusion between sex and nudity. It leads to deviant
behaviour such as voyeurism, at the lower end of the scale and exacerbates
molestation and abuse in the worst cases.
TVNZ's Response to the Formal Complaint - 18 January 1996
TVNZ recalled that Mr Lowe's complaint about the programme when first screened in
March 1994 had been declined by the Authority and it had written (No: 51/94):
" ... the Authority believed TVNZ took the sensible course in screening the item
in the format shown ..."
TVNZ continued:
We do not propose to repeat the arguments we used in declining to uphold your
earlier complaint about this programme but believe they remain valid.
As some different arguments had been advanced on this occasion, TVNZ responded
briefly to each one. Masking had not suggested that men did not have penises - rather,
it said, "waving them about on national television" was an unacceptable form of
expression. The item had not suggested that anything illegal was occurring, and was
not shown in children's normal viewing hours. Describing the discrimination argument
as "nonsense" as there was no evidence in support, TVNZ also maintained that as it was
quite clear what was occurring, the event had not been distorted.
Declining to uphold the complaint, TVNZ concluded:
Finally we make the observation that a series like "Heartland" is not one in which
the viewer would expect to be confronted by a male penis. By masking the penis,
a device which in no way detracted from the storyline, we spared many viewers
embarrassment and avoided giving unnecessary offence.
Mr Lowe's Complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority - 13
February 1996
Dissatisfied with TVNZ's decision, Mr Lowe referred the complaint to the Broadcasting
Standards Authority under s.8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989.
At considerable length, he advanced a number of arguments which, overall, supported
the view advanced in William Hartman's "Nudist Society" (p292) which he quoted.
There is a quality of honesty and forthrightness in not hiding genitals as
something precious or disgusting, and an ability to be proud of self as an
acceptable unit rather than accentuating one body part or another. In this situation
there is a reduction of tension. ... Along with reduction of tension there is
reduction of hostility. ... In team sports there was competition, skill and
enthusiasm but there was no show of hostility toward team mates who goofed or
toward opponents. ... This reduction of hostility was strikingly evident in the
kindly way in which the children were treated. They were dealt with by the
parents and others as worthwhile individuals.
TVNZ's Response to the Authority - 19 February 1996
When asked to comment on the referral, TVNZ said that as Mr Lowe had lodged a
complaint on similar grounds about the March 1994 broadcast, it submitted that the
Authority should decline to determine the present complaint on the grounds that it was
Mr Lowe's Final Comment - 29 February 1996
In response to TVNZ's suggestion that the Authority decline to determine the complaint
as vexatious, Mr Lowe stated that he regarded the complaint about the rebroadcast as an
opportunity to have clarified the Authority's reasoning on the individual standards
which he alleged had been breached on each occasion. He considered that to be
important as he was not aware of complaints about programmes which TVNZ had
broadcast which contained explicit innocent nudity.
Explaining that an appeal to the High Court was fiscally untenable, Mr Lowe concluded:
I have received and understood the BSA's view under G2 and therefore remove
that, along with G3 and G7, from this complaint. The Authority's views on the
remainder of the codes are keenly sought. The Authority claims to respond to a
complainant's real concerns: that I would greatly appreciate. Also appreciated
would be elucidation of just what "valid points" the Authority has perceived me
to have made.