Research commissioned by the BSA and statutory publications including Annual Reports, SOIs and SPEs

Statement of Performance Expectations 2024

This Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) is presented to the House of Representatives in accordance with the Crown Entities Act 2004.

This SPE sets out our proposed performance targets and forecast financial information for the year ahead. It is produced in accordance with section 149E of the Crown Entities Act 2004 and should be read together with our Statement of Intent 2023-2027 (SOI).

The forecast financial statements and underlying assumptions in this document have been authorised as appropriate for issue by the board of the Broadcasting Standards Authority in accordance with its role under the Crown Entities Act 2004. It is not intended to update the forecast financial statements subsequent to presentation.

A copy of the full report is available for download for the year ending 30 June 2024.
BSA Statement of Performance Expectations 2024

Te Whakatakinga | Introduction 

This SPE sets out how we measure our performance, and reports on progress against our targets. Results against these and the longer-term goals set out in our SOI are reported in our Annual Report.

This SPE sets out how we measure our performance, and reports on progress against our targets. Results against these and the longer-term goals set out in our SOI are reported in our Annual Report.

The BSA enters the 2023-24 financial year cautiously optimistic we will see real progress towards content regulatory reform.

Technological changes, and the emergence of new platforms, have had a significant effect – changing audiences’ behaviour, growing reach and choice, while undermining the advertising-based model many traditional broadcasters have relied on. 

Current content regulation is fragmented, shared amongst a range of statutory, industry and other bodies in a manner that is confusing for the public. Some media providers are subject to multiple regulatory regimes and others subject to very little regulation. 

Gaps in the regulatory framework leave it ineffective to address the increasing risks of misinformation and disinformation online. The spread of COVID-19 related misinformation and its impacts (including the significant protests experienced in Aotearoa New Zealand last year) demonstrated the consequences of these gaps. There is also reliable research showing overseas interference through online channels is a real risk to democracy around the world.

As we look ahead to another busy year, including a general election, we can only emphasise the need for modern laws to respond to today’s risks and offer our support in their development. 

We also expect the 2023-24 year to bring progress on the implementation of a mandatory news media bargaining framework. We welcome these developments which are designed to ensure New Zealand’s news media can bargain fairly with digital platforms, helping to maintain a New Zealand media sector which is strong, sustainable, trusted and independent. 

With the BSA proposed to administer and monitor the new framework, we are focused on preparing for and supporting its development. While it is still some time before any legislation comes into force, we need to ensure we have the right skills and operational capacity to effectively administer any new regime. This may require us to call upon our reserves and work closely with the Government to ensure sustainable funding into the future. 

We do face financial headwinds. With broadcasters struggling (evidenced by events such as Today FM’s recent closure), we can expect continued downward pressure on our levy revenue. At the same time, the increasing quantity and complexity of complaints and the increasingly competitive market for skills is driving costs up. We posted a deficit for the last financial year and are forecasting a larger one this year. The limitations that come with operating under existing 34-year-old legislation are becoming more obvious and pressing.

However, pending reform, 2023/24 will bring continued focus on core activities within our existing remit. This will include ongoing efforts to introduce efficiencies and optimise our services allowing us to continue delivering value, while preparing for change. While audiences may be increasingly shifting to online platforms, there is still a role for broadcasting media, and our national voice, in the new landscape.

The co-regulatory system in which we operate has continued to serve the objective of free speech without harm – and been instrumental in ensuring people receive accurate information from broadcasters they can trust.  

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