This year’s Litmus Testing research reports on public attitudes towards discrimination and denigration, and fairness, on TV and radio as addressed in recent BSA decisions relating to gender identity issues.

The decisions that were tested relate to complaints involving: 

  • a news item on trans men and non-binary people missing out on cervical screening (Morning Report)
  • a Kim Hill interview in which Kae Tempest was ‘deadnamed’ and ‘misgendered’ (Saturday Morning)
  • an interview between Kim Hill and gender-critical philosopher Dr Kathleen Stock (Saturday Morning)
  • a policy to remove ‘gender ideology’ from schools (New Conservative Party election ad)
  • a report on Kellie-Jay Keen Minshull, aka Posie Parker (1News).

For all five items, the large majority of research participants agreed with the BSA’s decisions, with an average of 91% rating them as very good, good, or acceptable. 

There was general agreement that sharing opinions about gender identity issues on TV and radio should not cause harm to New Zealanders – despite varying levels of acceptance of potential harm.

Regardless of their view prior to reading a decision, most accept the BSA’s reasoning, even when they do not agree with the outcome.

The research findings will be used to inform future decisions under the fairness and discrimination and denigration standards.

You can read the full findings and a media release highlighting key outtakes here:

Full Report:  Litmus Testing 2024 – Public attitudes towards gender identity issues on TV / Radio

Media Release: New Zealanders weigh public interest and potential harm in gender identity discussion