Complainants Satisfaction Survey 2024

Executive Summary: Complainants Satisfaction Survey 2024 [PDF] 

This survey asks people who have received a decision on a formal complaint submitted or referred to the BSA between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024 how satisfied they are with the BSA’s services. We use the feedback to help us improve how we work.

Key information from the 2024 survey includes:

  • 53 complainants completed the survey, with 31 being first-time complainants.
  • Six percent of complaints made by respondents were upheld, compared with 9% in 2021/22 and 18% the year before. This is the lowest percent upheld since tracking began.
  • Satisfaction levels average 69% across the following aspects of people’s dealings with the BSA:
    • written correspondence (66%)
    • telephone contact (65%)
    • staff professionalism (77%)
  • 23% of complainants agree or strongly agree the BSA handled their part of the complaints process well. Results vary widely according to whether respondents’ complaints were upheld. Those whose were not upheld express more negative views, while none of those receiving upholds disagree with the process. Seventy-two per cent of respondents feel they received the right amount of contact.
  • BSA information/resources (eg BSA website, BSA media statements, BSA Codebook) are the most common way for complainants to learn how to make a complaint.
  • 94% are aware of, or have used, a BSA resource (eg website, Code of Broadcasting Practice, guidance sheet). The website (71%) was the most used, while 65% used the BSA Complaints Guide.
  • Some 87% of complainants had visited the BSA website, with 60% of those who have used it seeing it as a valuable resource. Overall 57% rated the site good or very good, with 10% expressing dissatisfaction.

We will focus on the following in light of feedback on areas for improvement:

  • Maintaining quality, up-to-date web content, simplifying language, and focusing on ease of navigation and process for making complaints.
  • Investigate making the Code of Broadcasting Standards more accessible during the complaints process.
  • Renewing our focus on making sure our complaints service is accessible to diverse communities and is seen to be impartial.