BSA Public Awareness Survey 2013
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Date published: April 2013
Research Company: Nielsen Corporation
- Quantitative research to gain an understanding of the level of awareness amongst New Zealanders of the formal complaints process for breaches of broadcasting standards. In addition, awareness of the Broadcasting Standards Authority was assessed.
- Our Statement of Intent measures the level of awareness to ensure that most New Zealanders know that they can complain about broadcasting, can find out how to make a formal complaint, and know about the BSA.
An online survey was conducted using the Nielsen Omnibus in March 2013. 701 respondents aged 15 or older completed the survey. The sample was structured to be representative of the New Zealand population. Fieldwork was undertaken between 7 March and 13 March 2013.
There is a very high awareness of one’s about ability to complain and how to go about it. 84% of New Zealanders are aware they can make a formal complaint about television and radio content, 92% of New Zealanders could identify a course of action that would lead to them finding out how to make a formal complaint, and 85% of New Zealanders are aware of the BSA.
These results show that a small amount of ground was lost since awareness was last measured in 2010, but with awareness still very high it is not something the BSA needs to take action on. The next survey will take place in two years.