Research commissioned by the BSA and statutory publications including Annual Reports, SOIs and SPEs

Broadcaster Satisfaction Survey 2017

Download a PDF of the Executive Summary:

Broadcaster Satisfaction Survey 2017 - Executive Summary [PDF]

Date published: June 2017

Research Company: Nielsen


The overall objective of this research is to gain an understanding of broadcasters’ satisfaction with the quality of the BSA’s processes and services. In particular, how they rate the performance of the BSA in relation to the information available, including through the website, personal contact with the BSA staff, the management of the complaints process, the BSA’s written decisions, and overall perceived fairness of decisions.


  • Online survey
  • All broadcasters that were the subject of a complaint to the BSA that was determined in the previous 12 months were given the opportunity to complete the survey – 6 out of 8 did so.


The research indicates that from the broadcasters' perspective, the current system is working well and overall broadcasters view BSA processes and their relationship with the BSA positively.

  • 100% of the 6 broadcasters surveyed rate their relationship with the BSA as ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
  • 83% also rate BSA processes overall as ‘good’ (17% ‘neither good nor bad').
  • Satisfaction with contact with BSA staff remains high, whether by phone, email or face to face, with all aspects rated ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
  • Between 75% and 100% (average 86%) rated the value, ease of use and clarity of the website as ‘good’ or ‘very good’, a significant improvement on last year’s ratings (average of 67% in 2016).
  • Satisfaction with the BSA’s written decisions was more positive than in previous years, with a greater proportion rating aspects of the decisions as ‘very good’.

While broadcasters are generally satisfied with the BSA’s processes and services, the BSA’s areas of focus for making improvements are:

  • Timeliness (managing the overall time taken to complete the complaints process) and flexibility in timeframes given to broadcasters for providing information
  • Increased communication around when the Authority’s decision can be expected to be issued
  • Improving the search function on the BSA website.