Broadcaster Satisfaction Survey 2016
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Broadcaster Satisfaction Survey 2016 - Executive Summary516.83 KB
Date published: September 2016
Research Company: Nielsen Corporation
The overall objective of this research is to gain an understanding of broadcasters’ satisfaction with the quality of the BSA’s processes and services. In particular, how they rate the performance of the BSA in relation to the information available, including through the website, personal contact with the BSA staff, the management of the complaints process, the BSA’s written decisions, and overall perceived fairness of decisions.
- Online survey
- All broadcasters that were the subject of a complaint to the BSA that was determined in the previous 12 months were given the opportunity to complete the survey – 5 out of 8 did so.
The research indicates that from the broadcasters' perspective, the current system is working well and overall broadcasters remain positive about BSA processes and their relationship with the BSA.
- 100% of broadcasters surveyed rate their relationship with the BSA as ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
- 80% also rate BSA processes as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ (20% ‘neither good nor bad')
- 100% of broadcasters rate the contact they had with the BSA, whether by phone, email or face to face as ‘very good’
- 100% of broadcasters viewed the overall timeliness of the BSA process as positive
- 100% of broadcasters found the written decisions issued by the BSA to be fair
- While broadcasters are generally happy with the process, areas for improvement included more flexibility in determining how deadlines for broadcaster responses are set and improving the clarity of content on the website and the website’s functionality. These suggestions have been analysed and will be discussed with broadcasters and improvements made where appropriate