Research commissioned by the BSA and statutory publications including Annual Reports, SOIs and SPEs
Research for 2020
Annual Report 2020

The Annual Report 2020 outlines the Authority's key achievements over the past year and details progress against long term outcomes and objectives.

Litmus Testing, 2020

This year’s Litmus Testing research reports on what the public thinks about some of the BSA’s recent decisions on programmes dealing with violence and the acceptability of violence in content…

Broadcaster Satisfaction Survey 2020

Each year, we survey broadcasters to find out their level of satisfaction with our processes, services and working relationships. This enables us to identify any areas for improvement.


Complainants Satisfaction Survey 2020

The complainants satisfaction survey asks complainants who have had a complaint determined by the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) in the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 about their level of satisfaction with the BSA’s services. The feedback is used to help BSA make improvements to its operations.

External Review Of Decisions 2020 - Accuracy Standard

The BSA invited Prof Burrows to undertake an independent review of five decisions issued by the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) under the accuracy standard.

Children’s Media Use Research - 2020

BSA and NZ On Air jointly commissioned research into media use by children (aged 6-14) in New Zealand across programmes, music and games.

Statement of Performance Expectations 2021

This Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) is presented to the House of Representatives in accordance with the Crown Entities Act 2004.

BSA Statement of Intent 2020-24

This Statement of Intent (SOI) sets out what the Broadcasting Standards Authority | Te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho (BSA) intends to achieve or contribute to over the next four years and…