Download PDF Date published: July 2019 Reviewer: Sylvia Bell, Research Fellow and Human Rights Law specialist Scope The BSA invited Sylvia Bell, Human Rights Law specialist, to undertake an independent review of five decisions issued…
This Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) is presented to the House of Representatives in accordance with the Crown Entities Act 2004.
We recognise the issues and challenges facing broadcasters with respect to reporting on the 15 March attacks, the pending trial and associated matters.
The Annual Report 2018 outlines the Authority's key achievements over the past year and details progress against long term outcomes and objectives.
Read the full research report here.
Read the full report here.
Executive Summary: Complainants Satisfaction Survey 2016-18 [PDF] The complainants’ satisfaction survey asks complainants who have had a complaint determined by the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) in 2016-2018 about their level of…
Full Report: Broadcaster Satisfaction Survey 2018 [PDF] Each year, we survey broadcasters to find out their level of satisfaction with working relationships with the BSA, and the quality of the BSA’s…
Warning: This research contains language that some readers may find offensive From time to time, the BSA surveys the public to understand which words or expressions are considered most offensive in…
This year’s Litmus Testing research reports on what the public thinks about some of the BSA’s recent decisions on the Fairness Standard.