News Ngā Pūrongo o te Wā

BSA news and media releases including the BSA Pānui newsletter
News and Media Releases
Eight decisions released

  Today the Authority released decisions on eight complaints, with none of the complaints upheld. Five decisions related to television broadcasts and three decisions related to radio broadcasts.

2018 Annual Report

Today we published our Annual Report for 2017-18. As well as reporting on our performance and financial position, this report highlights our work over the past year.

BSA releases five new decisions

  The Authority released decisions on five complaints today. One of the complaints concerned a Newshub promo viewed on YouTube.

Four decisions released

  Today the Authority released decisions on five complaints. All five complaints related to television broadcasts. Three of the complaints raised the fairness standard.

Three Decisions Released

 Today the Authority released decisions on three complaints.

Authority releases two decisions on complaints about Punjabi talkback programmes

 The Authority released two decisions today, both of which related to Punjabi talkback programmes.

Eight decisions released

Today the Authority released decisions on eight complaints, with three complaints upheld. Seven of the complaints related to television broadcasts and one complaint related to a radio broadcast.

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