The Authority released decisions on 10 complaints today, three of which were upheld. Two of the complainants raised issues regarding their treatment by a radio host on-air.
The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) has cautioned broadcasters to avoid language in sports broadcasting that amounts to casual racism.
The Authority has released two new decisions today, both relating to complaints that were not upheld.
BSA releases five new decisions The Authority released decisions on five complaints today, one of which was upheld.
The BSA has today released its 2018/19 Annual Report which highlights its active approach to maintaining freedom of expression in broadcasting without harm.
At 5:00pm on 22 November 2019, the period closes for public submissions regarding the changes BSA is proposing to the Election Programmes Code of Broadcasting Practice (Election Programmes Code).
Two of the decisions considered three complaints which were from people and organisations who were the subject of investigations in Fair Go and Sunday.