One related to a complaint over a news item about sex workers and escorts opening up about their work on social media. The complaint was not upheld.
One related to a complaint by the NZ Defence Force about an interview with Nicky Hager on results of an enquiry into Australia’s defence force and the implications for the…
The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) has not upheld a complaint about offensive language on the broadcast of a recording of the TVNZ 2 live comedy event, Best Foods Christmas Comedy…
The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) has not upheld a complaint about an item on 1 News that discussed a controversial wall-hanging in a Puhoi Pub bearing the n-word, and included…
One related to a complaint about coarse language in a comedy gala broadcast and another to a news item on a controversial wall hanging in a Puhoi pub.
Attitudes towards discrimination and denigration on TV and radio appear to be changing with younger New Zealanders showing a lower tolerance for it than older generations, according to new research…
One related to a complaint that news coverage of Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem created the impression that Bethlehem was part of Israel. The complaint was not upheld.