News Ngā Pūrongo o te Wā

BSA news and media releases including the BSA Pānui newsletter

Top-ranked website

We are delighted with a recent assessment by the e-Gov Watch team – we were the top-ranked website out of 110 government sites assessed.

Shane Middlemiss, Director of e-Gov Watch Ltd, recently visited BSA's Wellington Office and congratulated BSA Chief Executive, Susan Freeman-Greene.

Our thanks to everyone involved, and in particular to our web developer, E2 Digital of Christchurch.

The e-Gov Watch team assesses the overall quality of New Zealand government websites against around 500 best practices criteria. Shane Middlemiss noted: 'The site is easy to search and use, has content well-orientated to its users, is clean and clear. The animated branching process graphics for stepping people through making a complaint are a model for making government processes understandable'.