New Safeguards Launch Today on Free-To-Air Television
From today, Kiwi TV viewers will notice a change to the safeguards on their screens.
The Broadcasting Standards Authority and free-to-air broadcasters have made important changes to timebands and classifications on free-to-air television, to help protect children and other viewers from content that may harm them.
The decades-old PGR and AO classification labels on FTA television have retired to make way for the more detailed G, PG, M, 16 and 18 labels, which are already used on Pay TV.
Some adjustments to timebands will also be visible, but the 8.30pm watershed remains in place. G and PG content can play at any time, but no programmes rated 16 and over can air before 8.30pm. Programmes rated 18 and over can only be aired after 9.30pm.
M classified programmes can play during school hours, between 9am and 3pm on weekdays, and after 7.30pm any day. During the weekends, school holidays and public holidays no M-rated content will be allowed until 7.30pm.
BSA Chief Executive Belinda Moffat said: “Television provides our community with a rich source of information and entertainment and is particularly important in our current environment. But we want our viewers, especially our tamariki, to be safe. Broadcasting standards provide protections to keep audiences safe, and these changes are part of that.”
More information can be found by visiting the BSA’s website, email or call 0800 366 996
For more information, please contact:
Adam Szentes, on behalf of Broadcasting Standards Authority
M. 021 265 1067