News Ngā Pūrongo o te Wā

BSA news and media releases including the BSA Pānui newsletter
Media releases
BSA tackles new ‘vehemence’ and misinformation over COVID-19

Broadcasting complaints have taken on a new level of vehemence reflecting a growing polarisation around big issues such as COVID-19, the Broadcasting Standards Authority says.

BSA welcomes digital bargaining framework announcement

The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) has welcomed the announcement that legislation will be developed to support commercial bargaining over the use of, and payment for, news media content online.

Privacy and fairness breaches in RNZ reporting on child in care of Oranga Tamariki

The Broadcasting Standards Authority has upheld aspects of seven complaints under the privacy and fairness standards, regarding broadcasts by RNZ which included material stolen from the former Waikato District Health…

Unfair and inaccurate Fair Go housebuilding item breached broadcasting standards

The Broadcasting Standards Authority has upheld a complaint an item on Fair Go dealing with various issues arising from a house being built breached the accuracy and fairness standards.

BSA research highlights public concerns over spread of misinformation

New Zealanders are worried a shift to online platforms is fuelling misinformation and making it harder to identify ‘the truth’, according to new research from the Broadcasting Standards Authority.

BSA appoints Stacey Wood as new Chief Executive

The Board of the Broadcasting Standards Authority | Te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho has appointed Stacey Wood as the organisation’s new Chief Executive.

Streamlined Broadcasting Code reflects changing society and media environment

A new Codebook designed to make broadcasting standards simpler, clearer and more user-friendly for broadcasters and audiences takes effect from today.

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