The Authority has not upheld a complaint that an interview with the Rt Hon Winston Peters on Q+A breached the fairness and balance standards.
The Authority has not upheld seven complaints (including one ‘fast tracked’ due to the election). It declined to determine one complaint as the broadcast was no longer available.
The Authority has not upheld two complaints from the End-of-Life Choice Society about balance and accuracy in interviews on The Project and Sunday Morning discussing the upcoming referendum on the…
The BSA has not upheld an accuracy complaint under the Election Programmes Code about a Labour Party election advertisement. The full decision can be read here.
The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) has upheld a complaint from environmental activist Lisa Prager that an RNZ Checkpoint item misrepresented her position and was unfair to her.
The Authority released four decisions today. Three of the complaints were not upheld. One complaint was upheld under the fairness and accuracy standards.
The BSA has released a decision on an election programme complaint about the Labour Party’s advertisement. The complaint was not upheld. The full decision can be read here.