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Hutchings and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1999-021

Summary A stripper exposed her breasts in a scene during a strip show in Heartbeat broadcast on TV One on 18 November 1998 at 2. 10pm. Ms Hutchings complained to Television New Zealand Ltd, the broadcaster, that the content was inappropriate in a programme which had been classified PGR and was broadcast during the afternoon. She argued that it was unsuitable viewing for children, and that it perpetuated stereotypical views about women, thus breaching several broadcasting standards. In its response, TVNZ acknowledged that the material was more suited to an adult audience, but maintained that it was not unsuitable for younger viewers when under the guidance of an adult. It did not consider it had been incorrectly classified. Further, TVNZ argued, the content did not breach any broadcasting standards, given its context in a drama clearly classified as PGR. It declined to uphold any aspect of the complaint....