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Showing 41 - 60 of 62 results.
Right to Life NZ and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2015-003

Summary[This summary does not form part of the decision. ]An item on Campbell Live featured the story of a terminally ill man who is an advocate for voluntary euthanasia. The introduction to the item referred to a proposed private member's bill that would legalise voluntary euthanasia in New Zealand. The Authority did not uphold a complaint that the item lacked balance because it failed to present other significant views on euthanasia. Although voluntary euthanasia is a controversial issue of public importance, the item did not 'discuss' this issue. The item was clearly focused on the interviewee's personal story and experiences, so it did not trigger the requirement for presenting alternative views. Not Upheld: Controversial IssuesIntroduction[1] An item on Campbell Live featured the story of a terminally ill man who is an advocate for voluntary euthanasia....

Ward and TVWorks Ltd - 2010-027

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item on the cats of Zion Wildlife Garden in Whangarei and the organisation’s desire to reverse declawing operations on some of their cats – included comments about former manager Craig Busch in relation to the decision to declaw the cats – allegedly inaccurate and unfair FindingsStandard 5 (accuracy) – zoo consultant’s comments were opinion – statement that Mr Busch convinced authorities had a reasonable basis – complainant did not provide evidence to disprove statements about inbreeding or limping tiger – not upheld Standard 6 (fairness) – Mr Busch invited to participate – item included a response from Mr Busch – broadcaster dealt with Mr Busch and ZWG fairly – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision....

Dowler and CanWest TVWorks Ltd - 2006-074

Complaint under section 8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – panel discussion about power outage in Auckland – complainant alleged that programme gave the impression that the discussion was live, when it was pre-recorded – allegedly inaccurate, unfair and in breach of programme information standardFindingsStandard 5 (accuracy) – no statements of fact alleged to be inaccurate – standard does not apply – not upheld Standard 6 (fairness) – no person or organisation alleged to be treated unfairly – standard does not apply – not upheld Standard 8 (programme information) – standard requires viewers to be disadvantaged before breach will be found – no disadvantage to viewers – not upheldThis headnote does not form part of the decision Broadcast [1] Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on 12 June 2006, included a panel discussion about a recent power outage in Auckland....

Riddell and TVWorks Ltd - 2009-038

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – investigated one couple’s practice of grazing cattle along the banks of the Pahaoa River in the Wairarapa – interviewed concerned neighbour, environmental scientist, Greater Wellington Regional Council, and spokesman for Federated Farmers – allegedly unbalanced, inaccurate and unfair FindingsStandard 4 (balance) – story focused on one couple – did not discuss a controversial issue of public importance – not upheld Standard 5 (accuracy) – two aspects upheld Standard 6 (fairness) – the Riddells were not given a reasonable opportunity to present their side of the story – reporter’s approach unfair – upheld OrderSection 13(1)(a) – broadcast statement Section 16(1) – legal costs to the complainant $1,670 This headnote does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] On Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on 4 February 2009, the host introduced a story, saying: Let’s. . ....

Taylor and TVWorks Ltd - 2010-008

Complaint under section 8(1C) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item featured the “Yike Bike” which had been named the 15th best invention of 2009 in Time magazine – reporter was shown riding the bike without wearing a helmet – allegedly in breach of law and order Findings Standard 2 (law and order) – oversight by broadcaster – did not threaten the maintenance of law and order – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] An item on Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on Tuesday 24 November 2009, featured the “Yike Bike”, created in New Zealand, which had been named the 15th best invention of the year in Time magazine. Throughout the item, the reporter and some of the bike’s creators were shown riding the Yike Bike, without wearing helmets....

Sumich and Penney and CanWest TVWorks Ltd - 2006-078

Complaint under section 8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item on singles looking for love – showed footage of people apparently at singles party – complainants shown – complainants were not at party – footage of them taken several years ago – allegedly breach of privacy, inaccurate and unfair – accuracy and fairness complaints upheld – privacy complaint declined – complainants referred privacy complaint to AuthorityFindingsStandard 3 (privacy) – no private facts disclosed – not upheldThis headnote does not form part of the decision Broadcast [1] On 29 May 2006, TV3’s Campbell Live, broadcast at 7. 00pm, included an item about singles “looking for love”. The item focussed on a singles party held recently in Auckland, and showed numerous shots of people socialising, apparently at the party, including a shot of the complainants smiling for the camera....

Paranjape and TVWorks Ltd - 2011-003

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item reported on a “race row” that erupted in response to the winner of a regional Miss India New Zealand competition – allegedly inaccurate, unfair and irresponsible FindingsStandard 5 (accuracy) – item based on personal opinions of those who attended pageant –not inaccurate or misleading – not upheld Standard 6 (fairness) – no person or organisation specified in complaint – not upheld Standard 8 (responsible programming) – Campbell Live was an unclassified news and current affairs programme – standard not applicable – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] An item on Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on Wednesday 13 October 2010, reported on a “race row” that had erupted in response to the winner of the Wellington Division of a Miss India New Zealand competition....

FD and TVWorks Ltd - 2009-112

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – story about a man convicted of defrauding ACC who later successfully appealed to the Supreme Court – allegedly unbalanced and inaccurate FindingsStandard 4 (balance) – item focused on one man and his successful appeal to the Supreme Court – touched on criticisms of ACC’s conduct which could be controversial and of public importance – broadcast statement from ACC addressing criticisms – not upheld Standard 5 (accuracy) – item omitted information that may have been useful – but did not contain any inaccuracies which amounted to a breach – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] An item on Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on 12 June 2009, featured a man who had been convicted of defrauding ACC, and later won an appeal to the Supreme Court....

Cave and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2015-026

Summary[This summary does not form part of the decision. ]An item on Campbell Live sought to investigate allegations of misconduct within Gloriavale Christian Community. A reporter and a cameraman visited Gloriavale and spoke to two senior members of the community. The Authority did not uphold a complaint that the broadcast breached these men's privacy. While the circumstances of the filming may have amounted to 'prying', the broadcast did not disclose any private information about the men in a manner that was highly offensive. Not Upheld: Privacy Introduction[1] An item on Campbell Live sought to investigate allegations of misconduct within the Gloriavale Christian Community. A reporter and a cameraman visited the community and spoke to two senior members, Fervent Stedfast and Howard Temple, at the entrance to the community's office. Footage and audio of the conversation was broadcast....

RC and CanWest TVWorks Ltd - 2007-079

Complaint under section 8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item discussed a recently conducted study by a New Zealand woman investigating the early sexualisation of pre-teen girls – showed a photo of a then 11-year-old girl from the pages of Crème magazine – allegedly in breach of privacy and unfair Findings Standard 3 (privacy) – no private facts revealed – not upheld Standard 6 (fairness) – not unfair to young girl – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] An item on Campbell Live, broadcast on 11 June 2007 at 7pm on TV3, discussed a recently conducted study by a New Zealand woman investigating the early sexualisation of pre-teen girls, or “tweenies”. The study had discovered that, for girls, magazines were very influential and, in some instances, more important than their brothers and sisters....

Jaspers and CanWest TVWorks Ltd - 2007-060

Complaint under section 8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – host stated that Finance Minister the Hon Dr Michael Cullen had “refused to be interviewed by us since October last year” – allegedly inaccurate Findings Standard 5 (accuracy) – conflicting evidence from the parties as to how many invitations were extended to Dr Cullen but agreed that three invitations were made and declined – upholding the complaint would place too great a limit on broadcaster’s freedom of expression – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] An item on Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on Thursday 26 April 2007, discussed the latest rise in New Zealand’s interest rates as decided by the Reserve Bank. The host, John Campbell, noted that this was the eleventh rise in interest rates since the beginning of 2004....

Ross and CanWest TVWorks Ltd - 2006-029

Complaint under section 8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item about the forthcoming South Park “Bloody Mary” episode – item’s introduction included references to religious and cultural beliefs and to media freedom, and showed the alcoholic drink called a “Bloody Mary” – allegedly compared menstrual blood with a cocktail in breach of good taste and decencyFindingsStandard 1 (good taste and decency) – introduction simply a play on words – not upheldThis headnote does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] The debate about the forthcoming screening of the South Park “Bloody Mary” episode was dealt with in an item broadcast on TV3’s Campbell Live at 7. 00pm on 20 February 2006. The introduction began: "Tonight the Catholic Church, media freedom, South Park¸ and the episode that dare not speak its name. For our adult viewers, here's a clue....

Henderson and TVWorks Ltd - 2007-071

Headnote Complaint under section 8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – report on Cindy Crawford – item contained photos of her from Playboy magazine in which her breasts were shown – allegedly in breach of good taste and decency, programme classification and children’s interests standards The Authority's DecisionStandard 1 (good taste and decency) – majority – item did not dwell on the pictures in a salacious way – the pictures were tasteful and relevant to the context of the item – contextual factors – not upheld Standard 9 (children’s interests) – majority – photographs were an artful depiction of the female form – no emphasis was placed on Ms Crawford’s breasts – sufficient consideration given to the interests of child viewers – not upheld Standard 7 (programme classification) – news and current affairs programmes are unclassified – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision....

Hodson and TVWorks Ltd - 2012-012

Complaint under section 8(1C) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item reported on woman who sought a refund for baby items purchased from the complainant’s business – reporter approached complainant for an interview at her place of business – footage and audio recording of the conversation was broadcast – allegedly in breach of privacy, fairness and accuracy standards FindingsStandard 6 (fairness) – no previous attempts were made to obtain comment before door-stepping the owners at their place of business – covert filming and recording of conversation meant that the owners were not properly informed of the nature of their participation as required by guideline 6c – owners specifically stated that they did not want to be filmed or recorded – tone of programme was negative towards owners and their position was not adequately presented – owners treated unfairly – upheld Standard 5 (accuracy) – item was not even-handed as required by…...

Treadgold and TVWorks Ltd - 2008-024

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b )(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item discussed several current events in relation to global warming – contained a report from Britain’s ITN television station on the effects global warming was having on penguins in Antarctica – allegedly inaccurate and unbalanced Findings Standard 5 (accuracy) – item’s introduction presented the ITN item as providing factual evidence on global warming – statement regarding percentage of sea ice reduction in Antarctica inaccurate – statement that only humans can change the fate of penguins not clearly distinguishable as commentary – contrary to guideline 5d – upheld No Order This note does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] An item on Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on 12 December 2007, looked at several international current events relating to global warming....

Dorrance and TVWorks Ltd - 2011-006

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – included shot of topless woman – allegedly in breach of good taste and decency and children’s interests standards FindingsStandard 1 (good taste and decency) – nudity was non-sexual and matter-of-fact – part of unclassified current affairs programme aimed at adults – not upheld Standard 9 (children’s interests) – children unlikely to be watching Campbell Live unsupervised – children not likely to be disturbed or alarmed – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] During an episode of Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on Friday 17 December 2010, the programme’s reporters each had one minute to review the stories they had worked on during the year 2010....

Nova Limited and TVWorks Ltd - 2010-170

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – discussed “the model who can’t go to fashion week because she’s too big” – interviewed the model and her mother as well as the manager of her modelling agency – allegedly unbalanced, inaccurate and unfair FindingsStandard 5 (accuracy) – item created clear impression that Nova was not putting forward the model for work because of her hip size – viewers would have been misled by the omission of other reasons including the model’s refusal to work for Nova – upheld Standard 6 (fairness) – broadcaster did not deny that Nova’s manager explained the other reasons in his interview – those reasons were not included in the story – unfair – upheld Standard 4 (controversial issues – viewpoints) – story focused on one individual – no discussion of a controversial issue of public importance – not upheld No Order This headnote does not form…...

Paper Reclaim Ltd and RadioWorks Ltd - ID2010-132

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Promo for the television current affairs programme Campbell Livewas broadcast on Radio Live – question as to whether Authority has jurisdiction over promo FindingsAuthority accepts that it has jurisdiction over the promo for Campbell Live broadcast on Radio Live on Tuesday 6 July 2010 This headnote does not form part of the decision. INTERLOCUTORY DECISION Background [1] A promo for the television current affairs programme Campbell Live was broadcast on Radio Live at 4. 45pm on Tuesday 6 July 2010. The promo concerned an upcoming item on Campbell Live about the working conditions at an Auckland company called Paper Reclaim Ltd. [2] Paper Reclaim Ltd made a formal complaint to RadioWorks Ltd, the broadcaster responsible for Radio Live, asserting that the Campbell Live promo breached Standards 5 and 6 of the Radio Code of Broadcasting Practice....

Parrysmith and TVWorks Ltd - 2011-148

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989 Campbell Live – reported on a pamphlet drop and predictions on Christian websites relating to an earthquake and tsunami in Christchurch – sought comment and an apology from Kathy Robinson, author of an article in the pamphlet – allegedly in breach of controversial issues, accuracy, fairness and children’s interests standards Findings Standard 6 (fairness) – item legitimately focused on Ms Robinson as she gave her permission for the publication of her prophecy on websites and was the first to have her predictions disseminated – item explicitly stated that it was unclear who printed the pamphlet – Ms Robinson was given a reasonable opportunity to comment – Ms Robinson treated fairly – not upheld Standard 5 (accuracy) – item was accurate in relation to all material points of fact – would not have misled viewers as to the nature of Ms Robinson’s input into…...

Benson-Pope and TVWorks Ltd - 2008-013

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 19893 News, Nightline and Campbell Live – items looked at issues surrounding David Benson-Pope’s seeking re-election for the constituency of Dunedin South – allegedly in breach of good taste and decency, balance, accuracy and fairness Findings Standard 5 (accuracy) – no inaccuracies – not upheld Standard 6 (fairness) – not unfair to complainant – not upheld Standard 4 (balance) – subsumed into consideration of Standard 6 Standard 1 (good taste and decency) – vox-pop was acceptable in the context of an unclassified news programme – not upheld (This headnote does not form part of the decision. ) Broadcasts [1] A report on 3 News by its political editor Duncan Garner entitled “Seeking Re-Election”, was broadcast on TV3 at 6pm on 23 October 2007....

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