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Kiro and CanWest TVWorks Ltd - 2006-105

Complaint under section 8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item examining proposed amendment to section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961 which would remove the defence of “reasonable force” for parents charged with assaulting their children – interviewed mother and 14-year-old son – allegedly breached the boy’s privacy, was unbalanced, inaccurate and unfair and in breach of children’s interests Findings Standard 3 (privacy) – unable to determine whether the boy consented to the interview – decline to determine Standard 4 (balance) – significant perspectives put forward – not upheld Standard 5 (accuracy) – mother was presenting her own opinion, not statements of fact, and was not an “information source” under guideline 5e – did not need to outline background information about the mother – not upheld Standard 6 (fairness) – boy was exploited under guideline 6f – upheld Orders Section 13(1)(a) – broadcast of a statement Section 16(4) – payment of costs to…...

Young and TVWorks Ltd - 2011-050

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – montage of footage from earthquake and tsunami in Japan – allegedly in breach of good taste and decency standard FindingsStandard 1 (good taste and decency) – montage showed poignant images depicting international news event – music accompanying the images did not glorify or detract from the disaster – contextual factors – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision. Broadcast [1] Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on 15 March 2011, concluded with a montage of footage, accompanied by music, from the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan on 11 March. Complaint [2] Peter Young made a formal complaint to TVWorks Ltd, the broadcaster, alleging that the “sequence of footage of the Japan tsunami in slow motion and accompanied by ethereal mood music” breached standards relating to good taste and decency....

Riley and TVWorks Ltd - 2010-165

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – host interviewed members of New Zealand Actors’ Equity union on controversy surrounding production of the film The Hobbit in New Zealand – the host stated, “So there is not some Australian with his or her hand up your bum operating you like a puppet?” – allegedly in breach of standards relating to good taste and decency and discrimination and denigration FindingsStandard 1 (good taste and decency) – host’s comment innocuous – would not have caused offence or distress to viewers – not upheld Standard 7 (discrimination and denigration) – host was respectful to female interviewees – comment did not encourage discrimination against, or denigration of, women – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision Broadcast [1] Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on Friday 2 October 2010, featured an interview with Robyn Malcolm and Jennifer Ward-Lealand, from…...

Beckett, Cox and Warren and TVWorks Ltd - 2011-047

Complaints under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – story about “moon man” Ken Ring and his claims he predicted Christchurch earthquakes – John Campbell interviewed Mr Ring – allegedly in breach of good taste and decency, law and order, controversial issues, accuracy, fairness, discrimination and denigration, children’s interests, responsible programming and violence standards FindingsStandard 6 (fairness) – Mr Ring was treated unfairly – upheld Standard 4 (controversial issues – viewpoints) – Mr Ring’s predictions were a controversial issue of public importance – his views were presented within the period of current interest in other media coverage – not upheld Standard 5 (accuracy) – complainants did not specify which aspects of the programme they considered to be inaccurate, or provide any evidence of inaccuracy – not upheld No Order This headnote does not form part of the decision....

Heron and McLoughlin and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2014-020

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ]Campbell Live reported on a couple who faced bankruptcy after buying a house infested with termites. The item disclosed the names of the vendor, the company and staff responsible for the building report, and the real estate agent. It showed footage of the real estate agent’s office window, which had printed on it the names and phone numbers of the real estate agent and his business partner. A majority of the Authority did not uphold complaints that this breached the agent’s and the business partner’s privacy. The agents’ details were publicly available, the footage of their phone numbers was brief and it was not broadcast for the purpose of encouraging harassment; no causal link was demonstrated between the broadcast and the alleged harassment....

Ward and TVWorks Ltd - 2010-027

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item on the cats of Zion Wildlife Garden in Whangarei and the organisation’s desire to reverse declawing operations on some of their cats – included comments about former manager Craig Busch in relation to the decision to declaw the cats – allegedly inaccurate and unfair FindingsStandard 5 (accuracy) – zoo consultant’s comments were opinion – statement that Mr Busch convinced authorities had a reasonable basis – complainant did not provide evidence to disprove statements about inbreeding or limping tiger – not upheld Standard 6 (fairness) – Mr Busch invited to participate – item included a response from Mr Busch – broadcaster dealt with Mr Busch and ZWG fairly – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision....

Harkema and TVWorks Ltd - 2012-042

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ]Five Campbell Live items featured the complainant, Margaret Harkema, a former director of the Valley Animal Research Centre, and investigated concerns that she was using TradeMe to rehome beagles that were bred or used for testing. The Authority upheld her complaints that the programmes were unfair, misleading and breached her privacy. Upheld: Fairness, Accuracy, PrivacyNot Upheld: Law and OrderOrders: Section 13(1)(d) $2,000 compensation to the complainant for breach of privacy; Section 16(1) $12,000 legal costs to the complainantIntroduction[1] Campbell Live carried out an investigation, spanning five separate broadcasts, into matters involving the now closed Valley Animal Research Centre (VARC), and its former director, Margaret Harkema....

Scott and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2014-028

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ]An item on Campbell Live, reporting on Pike River Mine, included radio transmission audio between those in the mine and those in the office on the morning of the disaster. The audio contained the complainant’s full name which he considered to be a breach of his privacy. The Authority did not uphold the complaint, as Mr Scott’s employment at the mine was not a private fact, and the disclosure of his name was not associated with any blame or disclosed for the purpose of encouraging harassment. Not Upheld: PrivacyIntroduction[1] An item on Campbell Live, reporting on Pike River Mine, included radio transmission audio between those in the mine and those in the office on the morning of the disaster. Introducing the item, the presenter stated, ‘What you’re about to hear may be shocking, but it’s the truth....

RD and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2014-085

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ]A Campbell Live item reported on a convicted fraudster, X, and contained interviews with her ‘victims’, including a disabled man who had advanced money to X on the basis her daughter would become his wife. A photo was shown of his supposed wife-to-be (the complainant). The Authority did not uphold her complaint that showing her photograph breached her privacy. While it was unfortunate, very few people would have identified the complainant, there was no suggestion she was involved in the scam, and viewers were more likely to think the photo was not legitimate, so the disclosure was not highly offensive. Not Upheld: Privacy Introduction[1] An item on Campbell Live reported on a convicted fraudster, X, who allegedly took advantage of vulnerable people....

Chan and TVWorks Ltd - 2011-170

Complaint under section 8(1C) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – items asked viewers for their opinions on changing the New Zealand flag – showed brief visual overview of New Zealand flags – allegedly in breach of standards relating to controversial issues, accuracy, fairness, discrimination and denigration, and responsible programming FindingsStandard 4 (controversial issues), Standard 5 (accuracy), Standard 6 (fairness), Standard 7 (discrimination and denigration), and Standard 8 (responsible programming) – complainant’s concerns are matters of personal preference and editorial discretion – complaint frivolous and vexatious – decline to determine under section 11(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989 This headnote does not form part of the decision. Introduction [1] Items broadcast on Campbell Live on TV3 at 7pm on 22 and 23 September 2011, asked viewers for their opinions on changing the New Zealand flag, which had been a topic of discussion during the Rugby World Cup....

McQueen and TVWorks Ltd - 2013-081

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ] An item on Campbell Live featured an interview with a voluntary euthanasia advocate. The Authority did not uphold a complaint that the item was unbalanced as it failed present other significant views on euthanasia. The item was clearly focused on one woman’s personal experience, so viewers would not have expected an even-handed analysis of all arguments for and against legalising euthanasia. Euthanasia is recognised as an ongoing, highly charged social and legal issue, and different viewpoints in the debate will be offered from time to time. In this context the broadcaster adequately acknowledged the existence of other perspectives. Not Upheld: Controversial Issues Introduction [1] An item on Campbell Live featured an interview with a voluntary euthanasia advocate....

Popa and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2014-095

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ]Campbell Live investigated sales techniques used by Dead Sea Spa employees at kiosks and shopping malls throughout New Zealand, including alleged bullying and targeting vulnerable people. The Authority did not uphold the complaint that the programme was ‘racist’ and unfair to Dead Sea Spa. The story carried high public interest, and Dead Sea Spa was given a fair and reasonable opportunity to respond. Not Upheld: Discrimination and Denigration, Fairness, Privacy, Accuracy, Controversial Issues, Responsible Programming, Good Taste and Decency, Law and OrderIntroduction[1] Campbell Live investigated sales techniques used by Dead Sea Spa employees at kiosks and shopping malls throughout New Zealand, including alleged ‘bullying, deception and targeting the vulnerable’. It was reported that the Israeli women staffing the kiosks were working illegally, without work permits. The item was broadcast on TV3 on 1 July 2014....

Malakouti and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2014-162

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ]An item on Campbell Live focused on a travel agency whose customers alleged that trips they had paid for had not been booked. During the item a brief exchange took place between the reporter and a ‘family friend’ of the owners of the travel agency, the complainant, outside the vacant agency. The Authority did not uphold a complaint that the broadcast breached Mr Malakouti’s privacy. The footage was filmed in a public place and the item did not disclose any private facts about him. There was no suggestion Mr Malakouti was associated with the travel agency, so the broadcast of the footage was not highly offensive. Not Upheld: Privacy  Introduction [1] An item on Campbell Live focused on a travel agency whose customers alleged that trips they had paid for had not been booked....

South Taranaki District Council and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2014-149

Summary[This summary does not form part of the decision. ]Campbell Live covered a story about an eader (a pit for raw milk waste) in the town of Eltham in Taranaki that was allegedly making local residents ill. The South Taranaki District Council complained that the item was inaccurate and unfair. The Authority found that this was an important story which carried high public interest and that much of it was accurate and well-reported. Nevertheless, a number of statements conveying the gravity of the problem with the eader did not have a sufficient basis and were overblown, which was misleading and unfair. Accordingly the Authority upheld some aspects of the complaint. Upheld: Accuracy, FairnessNo OrderIntroduction[1] Campbell Live covered a story about an eader (a pit for raw milk waste) in the town of Eltham in Taranaki that was allegedly making local residents ill....

Ranfurly Village Hospital Limited and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2014-034

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ]Campbell Live broadcast two items that were critical of Ranfurly Veterans Home and Hospital, relating to an incident in which a resident, Q, was found lying on the driveway after falling from his power chair. The Authority upheld one aspect of the accuracy complaint in relation to another incident involving a resident, F, and upheld the complaint that the items were unfair to Q, and to Ranfurly. The Authority did not uphold the complaint that the residents' privacy was breached. The Authority did not make any order as only limited aspects were upheld. Upheld: Accuracy, FairnessNot Upheld: Privacy No OrderIntroduction[1] Campbell Live broadcast two items that were critical of Ranfurly Veterans Home and Hospital (Ranfurly)....

McQueen and TVWorks Ltd - 2012-068

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – reported on voluntary euthanasia in the context of New Zealand law – included interviews with two strong advocates of euthanasia – allegedly in breach of controversial issues standard FindingsStandard 4 (controversial issues) – euthanasia is a controversial issue of public importance – item did not purport to discuss all arguments for and against euthanasia but was presented from the perspective of Sean Davison – euthanasia is a long-running moral issue with an ongoing period of current interest – alternative viewpoints adequately included, taking into account the focus of the item and the nature of issue – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision. Introduction [1] An item on Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 on 27 April 2012, reported on voluntary euthanasia....

Grieve and TVWorks Ltd - 2011-098

Complaint under section 8(1B)(b)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – reported on controversial comments made by the chief executive of the Employers and Manufacturers Association that female workers are less productive because they take sick leave when they are menstruating – media commentator stated “if men had periods there would have been a law passed, there would be a menstruation allowance so that all of you could go home and curl up in a ball once a month” – allegedly in breach of the discrimination and denigration standard FindingsStandard 7 (discrimination and denigration) – comment did not encourage denigration of, or discrimination against, men as a section of the community – guideline 7a provides exemption for genuine opinion and legitimate humour – not upheld This headnote does not form part of the decision....

Massey High School and TVWorks Ltd - ID2012-011

Complaint under section 8(1A) of the Broadcasting Act 1989Campbell Live – item reported on bullying at Massey High School – question of whether Authority has jurisdiction to accept a referral of the privacy aspect of the complaint FindingsMassey High School did not refer its complaint to the Authority within the statutory timeframe – original complaint did not constitute a direct privacy referral – Authority does not have jurisdiction to accept the complaint This headnote does not form part of the decision. Introduction [1] An item on Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm on 15 November 2011, reported on bullying at Massey High School (Massey). [2] Massey made a formal complaint dated 29 November 2011, alleging that the item breached standards relating to privacy, accuracy and fairness. That complaint was addressed to the Chair of this Authority and a copy was also sent to the Chief Executive at TV3....

Heinz and TVWorks Ltd - 2014-024

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ]An item on Campbell Live included brief footage of a person starting a lawn mower without the rear grass flap on. The Authority declined to determine the complaint that this breached standards of law and order, on the basis it was frivolous and trivial. The footage was extremely brief and part of a light-hearted story in an unclassified current affairs programme targeted at adults, so it could not be said to have encouraged or condoned criminal activity. Declined to Determine: Law and OrderIntroduction[1] The final episode of Campbell Live for 2013 contained a round-up of stories from the year, including very brief footage of a person starting a lawn mower without the rear grass flap on. The programme was broadcast on 20 December 2013 on TV3....

Duncan and MediaWorks TV Ltd - 2014-127

Summary [This summary does not form part of the decision. ]During an episode of Campbell Live, the reporter took viewers on a 'tour' of a beach house belonging to former Cabinet Minister Judith Collins. The Authority declined to uphold the complaint that Ms Collins' privacy was breached, as the broadcaster advised that Ms Collins had consented to the filming and broadcast of the footage. Not Upheld: PrivacyIntroduction[1] During an episode of Campbell Live, the reporter took viewers on a 'tour' of a beach house belonging to former Cabinet Minister Judith Collins. The item was introduced by the presenter as follows: During the Dirty Politics saga which ended with her resignation as Minister as we know, we drove out [to the beach house] repeatedly trying to talk to Ms Collins – no luck....

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