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Hooker and TV4 Network Ltd - 2001-217

ComplaintStar Trek: Deep Space 9 – "lesbian kiss" – bad taste FindingsStandard G2 – context – no upholdThis headnote does not form part of the decision. Summary [1] An episode of Star Trek: Deep Space 9 was broadcast on TV4 at 8. 30pm on 24 August 2001. The episode included a scene where two of the female characters kiss. [2] Michael Hooker complained to TV4 Network Ltd, the broadcaster, about a "lesbian kiss" which was included in the broadcast, and which he considered to be "far outside the accepted norms of taste and decency, given the context in which the behaviour occurred". [3] TV4 declined to uphold the complaint. It maintained that the kiss was acceptable in the context of a PGR programme, explaining that it was brief, important to the storyline, not AO in nature and screened after the AO watershed....

Hooker and TV4 Network Ltd - 2002-029

ComplaintSouth Park – necrophilia – offensive theme FindingsStandard G2 – offensive material notwithstanding context – uphold No Order This headnote does not form part of the decision. Summary [1] An episode of South Park was broadcast on TV4 at 9. 00pm on 13 September 2001. South Park is a cartoon comedy series. [2] Michael Hooker complained to TV4 Network Ltd, the broadcaster, that the "entire episode was based on the theme of necrophilia" (sex with a dead person), which he considered to be outside the accepted norms of taste and decency in the context of a comedy. [3] TV4 declined to uphold the complaint. It did not consider that the programme breached standards relating to good taste and decency. [4] Dissatisfied with TV4’s decision, Mr Hooker referred his complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority under s. 8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989....

Gowardman and TV4 Network Ltd - 1999-082

Summary A segment in the programme Eurotrash focussed on a "pornography king" and some of his activities. Another segment focussed on a large man whose naked body was treated as a work of art and displayed in some European art galleries. The programme was broadcast on TV4 on 18 February 1999, commencing at 8. 30pm. Ms Gowardman complained to TV4 Network Ltd, the broadcaster, that in viewing the segment she was confronted with full frontal and oral sex. The two items depicted shocking and indecent behaviour, and presented young people with incorrect perspectives on adult sexual relationships, she wrote. TV4 responded that the programme was rated AO, and was preceded by a verbal and written warning. The broadcaster denied that the item contained full frontal and oral sex....

Raffray and TV4 Network Ltd - 1999-090

Summary A promo for the Jo Brand programme included a "stand-up" comedy routine in which the comedian related how her mother warned her not to take sweets from old men. In relating the story, she used the expression "getting his knob out". The promo was broadcast on TV4 on 26 January 1999 at 7. 40pm during a PGR-rated programme. Mr Raffray complained to TV4 Network Ltd, the broadcaster, that the language used resulted in the broadcast of AO content during a PGR time-slot, without any warning, and during a programme which appealed to younger viewers. TV4 responded that the promo had a "hard PGR" rating which, it wrote, meant that it could not screen in programmes aimed at children. Because of the way the joke was told, the colloquial words were obscure enough not to be understood by younger viewers, it added....