Advertisement for Chit Chat biscuits. Complaint that ad was racist and denigrated native North Americans. Not upheld (discrimination and denigration).
Holmes. Item about strip club owner and condom manufacturer as sports club sponsors. Not upheld (good taste, balance).
QFM broadcast. Letter from the complainant saying that the broadcast gave incorrect information about a tourist concerssion he was deveoping and breached his privacy. Despite being sent the necessary Complaint Referral Form on two occasions, plus several reminders, no response was received. Declined to determine (privacy).
Tonight. Complaint about presenter's comment about the Royal Family. The necessary Complaint Referral Form was twice sent to the complainant, followed by reminders, but there was no response. Declined to determine (good taste and decency).
Holmes. Item about the control of firearms. Upheld (balance). Not upheld or subsumed (accuracy, fairness, responsbile programming (deceptive programme practice), violence). Order (broadcast of summary of decision).
Mana News, Good Morning New Zealand. Item about a war memorial in Wanganui. Not upheld (law and order, balance).
Shortland Street, first episode. Complaint about scene of couple kissing and apparently engaging in sexual intercourse. Not upheld (good taste and decency, responsible programming).
Rowan Atkinson on Location: "And Now from Nazareth". Complaint that sketch was a scurrilous parody of the Holy Bible and denigrated Christians. Not upheld (accuracy, discrimination and denigration, responsible programming (deceptive programme practice). Declined to determine (responsible programming: classification codes and timebands).
Promotional trailer for programme about cats. Complaint that wording was sexist and denigrated women. Not upheld (discrimination and denigration).
Aussie League on 2. Broadcast of roundel containing Lion Red logo on a number of occasions. Complaint about saturation of liquor advertising and liquor advertising outside approved hours. Upheld in part (liquor). No order.