Nightline. News item on MMP debate. Upheld (balance, fairness). Not upheld (accuracy). No order.
TV3. DB Beer advertisement. Not upheld (liquor).
Nine to Noon. Discussions on release of a guideline pamphlet on child abuse and its application by various state agencies. Not upheld (law and order, balance, responsible programming).
60 Minutes: "The Baby Maker". Item on infertility specialist. His comment that "I've terminated pregnancies of the children of the presidents of SPUC". Not upheld (privacy, fairness). Not upheld: majority (good taste and decency). Declined to determine (law and order).
95bFM breakfast show. Presenter's comments about teachers. Not upheld (good taste and decency, law and order).
Sex. Second series, episode 8. Various items including discussion of anal sex and an item on abortion in Russia. Not upheld (good taste and decency, discrimination and denigration).
Holmes. Complaint about commercials being included in news items. Not upheld (balance).
Waka Huia. Anzac Day programme dealing with experiences of a soldier who became a prisoner of war was in Maori only. Complaint about lack of subtitles. Not upheld (discrimination and denigration).
Holmes. Item on cross-dressing. Not upheld (good taste and decency, children's interests). Declined to determine (responsible programming).
Holmes. Item on prostitution in Russia. Not upheld (balance, children's interests).