BSA Decisions Ngā Whakatau a te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho

All BSA's decisions on complaints 1990-present
All Decisions
Group Opposed to Advertising of Liquor and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-094

PrimeTime. Signs for Steinlager beer on wall behind people being interviewed, one of whom was seen to pour Steinlager into a glass from a bottle on the table. Upheld (liquor). No order.

Group Opposed to Advertising of Liquor and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1994-095

Nightline. Late evening news showed extracts from rugby game. Complaint about prominent background signs promoting beer. Not upheld (liquor).

Fountain and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-096

Body and Soul. Item stressed importance of sex education for children and young adults. Not upheld: majority (balance). Not upheld (good taste and decency).

Waugh and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-097

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Complaint about the number of violent incidents in series. Upheld (violence). Nothing about an order, but in September decision on same series (1994-081–084) no order was made.

Manufacturing and Construction Workers Union Inc and Capital FM Ltd - 1994-088

More FM. Comments on Manufacturing and Construction Workers Union. Not upheld (fairness, responsible programming).

Raven and Pirate FM - 1994-089

Pirate FM. Complaint about reference to oral sex and comments about girls. Upheld: majority (good taste and decency). Not upheld (discrimination and denigration). No order.

Group Opposed to Advertising of Liquor and Canterbury Television Ltd - 1994-090

DB Sport. Words "DB Draught" appeared on screen a number of times during broadcast. Broadcaster upheld saturation aspect and removed DB logo from its programmes. Not upheld (liquor): action taken sufficient.

Southland Fuel Injection Ltd and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-091

Fair Go. Item dealt with dispute between complainant and a customer about work done. Upheld (controversial issues): action taken by broadcaster insufficient. Not upheld (good taste and decency, privacy, fairness). Order (broadcast of statement).

Credo Society Inc and Access Community Radio Inc - 1994-087

The G & T Show. Item about secondary school students in America and homosexuality. Not upheld (balance).

Jardine Insurance Brokers Ltd and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1994-086

Award of Costs re Decision No. 1994-070. $5,000 costs to complainant.

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