BSA Decisions Ngā Whakatau a te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho

All BSA's decisions on complaints 1990-present
All Decisions
Megavitamin Laboratories and Stewart and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1995-064, 1995-065

60 Minutes: "The Bitter Pill". Item examined the case of a woman who became seriously ill after being prescribed a thyroid dietary supplement. It considered the extent of the controls on dietary supplements when compared with orthodox medicines and included some filming at the company which made the supplement and an interview with the company's doctor. Upheld (accuracy, one point). Not upheld (balance, fairness, editing). No order.

Hancock and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1995-061

A sequence of films was shown within the space of a few days: The Untouchables, You Only Live Twice, Iron Eagle II, Bladerunner and X-Files. The first four were trailered in a promo broadcast on TV2 entitled The Boys are Back in Town. Complaint about the violence in one specific scene and, generally, the excessive violence in The Untouchables, and also the violence shown in the extracts included in the promo. A majority of the Authority upheld the complaint about the excessive violence in The Untouchables broadcast at 8.30pm and, unanimously, upheld the complaint about the promo. No order.

Ernslaw One Ltd and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1995-062

Frontline: "The Tiongs". A two-part item examined the New Zealand activities of forestry company Ernslaw One Ltd, reporting criticism of the company's Malaysian principals' logging companies in Papua New Guinea and Sarawak. Upheld (balance, fairness). Subsumed (responsible programming: deceptive programme practice). Order (broadcast of summary of decision and an apology).

Wellington Palestine Group and Radio New Zealand - 1995-052

Morning Report. Complaint that in interview with corrrespondent he was described as the correspondent from Jerusalem who reported on matters in Israel, implying that Jerusalem was part of Israel. Accusation that RNZ was broadcasting a deliberate error. Not upheld (accuracy).

Sawyers and Radio Pacific Ltd - 1995-053

Radio Pacific interviews. Author interviewed advanced the thesis that counselling can assist homosexuals change their sexual orientation. Complaint that the programmes were unbalanced, breached the privacy of the callers and denigrated gay people. Not upheld (privacy, balance, responsible programming, discrimination and denigration).

Rape Prevention Group and 6 Others and SKY Network Television Ltd - 1995-054–1995-060

Basic Instinct. Complaint about scene in film where therapist was raped and about opening scene where a man was murdered with an icepick. Decision deferred (good taste and decency): Authority to issue its report of the Review of the Pay Code.

O'Dea and Access Community Radio Inc - 1995-047

Ireland Calling. Radio programme included an interview with the producer of a television documentary about Irish immigrant families living in New Zealand. One of the immigrants featured in the documentary complained about comments made about him during the talkback programme. Not upheld (fairness): action taken sufficient.

Wellington Palestine Group and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1995-048

One Network News. Item reported the British Prime Minister's trip to Israel but showed the Yad Veshem Memorial in Jerusalem. Not upheld (accuracy).

Minnis and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1995-049

Cricket commentary on a game between New Zealand and Sri Lanka. Allegedly derogatory remark by yachtsman repeated. Not upheld (good taste and decency, fairness).

Turner and Television New Zealand Ltd - 1995-050

America Ninja 3: Blood Hunt. Film contained martial arts type kick-boxing. Not upheld (violence)

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