BSA Decisions Ngā Whakatau a te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho

All BSA's decisions on complaints 1990-present
All Decisions
MacPherson and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1997-175

Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Programme that was aimed at a teenage audience contained elements of horror and violence and was screened at 7.30pm. Not upheld (children's interests, violence).

Smits and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1997-176

Ed's Night Party. Included interview with porn star. Not upheld (good taste and decency).

Moonen and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1997-177

Sunday. Item dealt with the appeal brought by the complainant to the Film and Literature Classification Review Board against a decision of the Office of Film and Literature Classification over indecent photographs. Presenter's comment about complainant. Not upheld (balance, fairness, discrimination and denigration).

Mickleson and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1997-178

Police Stop! Item dealt with illegal drag racing on the streets in and near Oamaru. Complaint that the use of the term "drag racing" in an item which showed "hoons . . . burning rubber and driving in circles", reflected adversely on the official sport of drag racing. Not upheld (discrimination and denigration).

Romaniuk and SKY Network Television Ltd - 1997-179

Beyond 2000, Next Step. Series repeatedComplaint that the material was out of date, and the absence, at the time of broadcast, of the date when the material was compiled. Declined to determine (accuracy): complaint referred to two series – rather than a programmes – one of which was no longer broadcast.

New Zealand Police (Otago District) and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1997-160

20/20. Item covering the David Bain case was broadcast on 4 May 1997 and was prompted by the release of a book asserting both David Bain's innocence and Police mismanagement of the investigation. It included substantial extracts from two 20/20 programmes on the case broadcast in September 1996.
Upheld (balance: the broadcast failed to give the Police an opportunity to respond to the new material screened, breaching s.4(1)(d)). No order.

X and HB Media Group Ltd - 1997-161, 1997-162

Xtreme 100FM. Song requested was prefaced by a dedication to two named students of a named local high school, congratulating them on their baby. The father of one of the students complained on his son's behalf, saying the comment was totally untrue. Upheld (privacy, fairness). Order ($250 costs to Crown, $250 compensation to complainant's son).

Henry and Radio New Zealand Ltd - 1997-163

National Radio news bulletins. Item referred to cell phone masts were referred to as "antennae". Complaint that use of the Latin plural to describe radio masts was incorrect, that it should have been "antennas". Declined to determine (accuracy): matter relatively minor.

Reynolds and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1997-164

Inside New Zealand: Crown versus Calder. Parts of the trial and retrial of Dr Vicki Calder in the High Court for attempted murder were screened in a documentary and promos for the documentary. Doctor who was a Crown witness at the trials complained that his privacy had been breached. Not upheld (privacy).

Minister of Housing (Hon Murray McCully) and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 1997-153

3 Network News. Item reported on end to a six-month freeze on state rental housing and focused on a protest rally complaining about rent increases due to come into force the next day. Not upheld (balance, fairness).

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