BSA Decisions Ngā Whakatau a te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho

All BSA's decisions on complaints 1990-present
All Decisions
Hall and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2010-169

Extreme Male Beauty. Reality series contained male nudity including genitalia. Not upheld (good taste and decency).

Ransfield and SKY Network Television Ltd - 2010-187

Heartland: “Grey Lynn: Summer in the City. Programme included image of the complainant. Not upheld (privacy).

Taylor and TVWorks Ltd - 2010-148

Target. Presenter stated that a home owner is not allowed to connect a plug to an electrical appliance without approval from an electrical inspector. Not upheld (accuracy).

Adams and 4 Others and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2010-143

Breakfast. Presenter made comments about the nationality of the Governor General. Not upheld (good taste and decency, fairness, discrimination and denigration): action taken sufficient. Not upheld (controversial issues, responsible programming).

Marshall and RadioWorks Ltd - 2010-146

Willie and JT. Host broadcast listener’s email address and said “send him an email”. Not upheld (privacy).

Young and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2010-119

The Investigator Special: The Case Against Robin Bain. Documentary maker discussed his view that there was no forensic evidence connecting Robin Bain with his family’s murders, and investigated whether the complainant had given misleading evidence at David Bain’s retrial. Upheld (fairness). Declined to determine (accuracy). Order ($1,500 costs to complainant).

Boyce and Karam and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2010-130

The Investigator Special: The Case Against Robin Bain. Documentary maker discussed his view that there was no forensic evidence connecting Robin Bain with his family’s murders, and investigated whether “surprise” witness had given misleading evidence at David Bain’s retrial. Upheld (fairness). No order.

Jackson and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2010-122

Close Up. Interview with female porn star included footage of her wearing lingerie and clips from her pornographic movies. Upheld (good taste and decency and children’s interests): action taken. Orders (broadcast statement, $3,000 costs to Crown).

O'Connor and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2010-155

One News Tonight. Item stated that 10 people in 2010 had died “as a result of patrol car pursuits”. Not upheld (accuracy, fairness).

Beckett and Radio New Zealand Ltd - 2010-181

Afternoons with Jim Mora. Panel guest made references to Prime Minister John Key giving Warner Bros. 100 million dollars to secure filming of The Hobbit. Not upheld (accuracy).

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