BSA Decisions Ngā Whakatau a te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho

All BSA's decisions on complaints 1990-present
All Decisions
Rupa and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2011-055

Waitangi: What Really Happened. Docu-drama about events leading up to the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. Decline to determine on the grounds that the complaint related to matters of personal preference and editorial discretion (controversial issues, accuracy, fairness, discrimination and denigration, responsible programming).

Lal and Radio Tarana and Apna Networks Ltd - 2011-044

Apna 990 “radio-thon”. Allegedly broadcast statement that eight Fijian nationals had died in Christchurch earthquake. Not upheld (accuracy, responsible programming, and good taste and decency).

Hirschfeld and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2011-028

One News reported on legal aid lawyer Charl Hirschfeld’s resignation, with the statements that his “resignation comes within days of the Law Society launching an investigation into his legal aid work”, that he “topped the legal aid rich list”, that the LSA had “completed an investigation into payments to Mr Hirschfeld” and that “in the last year Charl Hirschfeld netted $3.2 million in legal aid money”. The Authority declined to uphold the complaint that the item breached the accuracy and fairness standards. Mr Hirschfeld’s arguments were primarily issues of semantics and the statements were not inaccurate or misleading; the broadcaster had treated him fairly since the item simply reported the facts and did not make any allegations of wrongdoing; and One News had also gone to his offices but he had been unavailable for comment.

Not Upheld: Accuracy, Fairness

Atkin and The Radio Network Ltd - 2011-061

Sean Plunket Morning. Host interviewed Dr Paul Connett about his views against fluoridation of water. Not upheld (controversial issues, fairness, and discrimination and denigration).

Christie and The Radio Network Ltd - 2011-060

Hauraki Amped. Promotion for film The Hangover Part II stated “Hauraki’s going to send you and two mates to get your own hangover in Thailand”. Not upheld (liquor and responsible programming).

Holden and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2011-029

Closer. Movie contained potentially offensive language. Not upheld (responsible programming and discrimination and denigration).

Phillips and TVWorks Ltd - 2011-056

3 News. News reader stated “What is wrong with these people, I ask”, with reference to people declining invitations to Royal wedding. Declined to determine (discrimination and denigration).

Murdoch and TVWorks Ltd - 2011-059

7 Days. Comedy programme contained racial comments, coarse language and sexual connotations. Not upheld (good taste and decency, and responsible programming).

HC and CT and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2010-163

Fair Go. Investigated sales techniques employed by Wenatex and showed sales consultant stating colleague was “in front of a wheelchair” before purchasing a Wenatex bed. Upheld (fairness). Not upheld (privacy). Declined to determine (accuracy). Orders ($8,740 costs to complainants).

King and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2011-030

Criminal Minds. Storyline involved Alzheimer’s sufferer who was capturing, torturing and killing young women. Upheld (responsible programming, violence and good taste and decency). Not upheld (children’s interests). No order.

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