BSA Decisions Ngā Whakatau a te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho

All BSA's decisions on complaints 1990-present
All Decisions
Massey High School and TVWorks Ltd - ID2012-011

An item on Campbell Live reported on bullying at Massey High School. The Authority determined that it does not have jurisdiction to accept a referral of the privacy aspect of the complaint. Massey High School did not refer its complaint to the Authority within the statutory timeframe and the original complaint did not constitute a direct privacy referral.

Declined to Accept Referral

Heerdegen and The Radio Network Ltd - 2012-043

During the Leighton Smith Show on Newstalk ZB, the host discussed verdicts in the Urewera Four case. The complainant phoned the programme and the host subsequently made comments about “nut bars” in New Zealand. The Authority did not uphold the complaint that this breached the discrimination and denigration standard: the standard only applies to sections of the community and not to individuals; it was unclear which section of the community the complainant considered was denigrated or discriminated against; and the host’s comments were clearly his personal opinion and were not specifically directed at the complainant.

Not Upheld: Discrimination and Denigration

Goddard and Skelton and TVWorks Ltd - 2012-011

An item on Campbell Live, broadcast on TV3 at 7pm, reported on bullying and fighting at Massey High School and showed repeated footage of girls fighting. It was not preceded by a warning. The Authority did not uphold complaints that the item breached standards relating to privacy, accuracy, fairness, responsible programming, children’s interests, and violence. The students shown in the footage were not identifiable to anyone beyond those who already knew about the fighting; the impression created about fighting and bullying at Massey stemmed from the facts of the incident and the response of students and parents; Massey was provided with a reasonable opportunity to comment and its statement was adequately referred to in the item; and while a warning would have been helpful, given the nature and context of the footage the broadcaster adequately considered children’s interests in broadcasting the footage during a current affairs programme at 7pm.

Not Upheld: Privacy, Accuracy, Fairness, Responsible Programming, Children’s Interests, Violence

George and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2011-132

A TV One documentary entitled A Rotten Shame investigated New Zealand’s leaky homes crisis and sought to expose systematic failures in the building industry that had led to the crisis. The presenter door-stepped a building inspector responsible for inspecting a house eleven years earlier, which had since developed serious problems and had to be demolished. A portion of this interview was included in the programme. The building inspector complained that this breached the controversial issues, accuracy and fairness standards. The Authority held that the action taken by the broadcaster in upholding the door-stepping aspect of the fairness complaint was insufficient. The Authority did not uphold any other part of the complaint: the item focused on systematic failures which led to the leaky homes crisis rather than on the complainant, it included the complainant’s viewpoint, and it did not create a misleading impression about the complainant’s culpability. The Authority ordered TVNZ to pay $500 towards the complainant’s legal costs.

Upheld: Fairness (Action Taken)
Not Upheld: Controversial Issues, Accuracy, Fairness

Order: $500 costs to complainant

Gardner, Phillips and Smith and TVWorks Ltd - 2012-018

An item on 3 News reported on the alleged practice of women offering sex in exchange for taxi rides. The item consisted primarily of a voiceover accompanied by nightlife footage of central Auckland, including shots of a number of young women, some of them in taxis. The Authority did not uphold complaints that this breached standards relating to privacy, good taste and decency, controversial issues, accuracy, discrimination and denigration, and violence. Only one of the complainants was identifiable but the item did not disclose any private facts about her, and the footage was clearly not suggesting that the women were associated with the practice reported on (which was reinforced by a clarification broadcast the following night). The item did not comment on the issue of sexual assault or make any general comments about women, and it did not contain any violence.

Not Upheld: Good Taste and Decency, Privacy, Controversial Issues, Accuracy, Discrimination and Denigration, Violence

Fourie and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2012-002

An episode of Embarrassing Bodies, a reality television series about the treatment of embarrassing medical conditions, was broadcast on TV2 at 8.30pm and included close-up shots of women’s vaginas and of surgical operations being performed on them. The Authority did not uphold the complaint that the programme breached standards relating to good taste and decency, responsible programming and children’s interests: the programme had educational value and the nudity was non-sexual and matter-of-fact; the programme was correctly classified AO and preceded by an adequate warning for nudity and medical scenes; and the clear warning and signposting of likely content gave parents an opportunity to exercise discretion.

Not Upheld: Good Taste and Decency, Responsible Programming, Children’s Interests

Bay of Plenty District Health Board and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2011-154

An item on Te Karere reported that Whakatane Hospital’s Microbiology Department would be closing, with all microbiology services moving to Tauranga. The Authority upheld the complaint that the item was inaccurate and misleading in creating this impression since urgent services would continue to be provided on-site. The broadcaster had not made reasonable efforts to ensure the item’s accuracy. The Authority made no order.

Upheld: Accuracy

No Order

Waterworth and Wickham and RadioWorks Ltd - 2012-033

The Rock radio station ran a promotion called “Win a Divorce” which culminated in a broadcast on Valentine’s Day during Robert and Jono’s Drive Show. The Authority did not uphold the complaint that the broadcast breached standards relating to good taste and decency, privacy, fairness and responsible programming since the concept of promoting an on-air request for divorce was not reflected in the actual broadcast: it turned out that the two participants had planned to subvert the broadcast from the beginning as a protest against the promotion and they spent the time berating the hosts.

Not Upheld: Good Taste and Decency, Privacy, Fairness, Responsible Programming

Fattorini and RadioWorks Ltd - 2012-034

During Robert & Jono’s Drive Show, broadcast on The Rock, one of the hosts told a personal anecdote about a man with Down Syndrome who fell off a swing and hurt himself; the host used the term “mental” several times to refer to people with intellectual disabilities. The Authority did not uphold the complaint that this breached standards relating to good taste and decency, discrimination and denigration, and fairness: the story was conveyed in a light-hearted manner and the term “mental” was used without malice or invective; the co-host made mitigating comments and the host also made comments that were positive towards people with intellectual disabilities; and the man referred to was not “exploited” or “humiliated”.

Not Upheld: Good Taste and Decency, Fairness, Discrimination and Denigration

Antrobus and Television New Zealand Ltd - 2012-015

A promo for Bad Santa, screened during the family Christmas movie The Santa Clause 2, contained brief shots of “Bad Santa” smoking and throwing a rock at a car windshield; he told a child sitting on his knee that he “loved a woman who wasn’t clean” and when asked if that was Mrs Santa replied, “No, it was her sister.” The Authority did not uphold the complaint that this breached standards relating to good taste and decency and children’s interests: most viewers would not have been offended by the promo when broadcast in this context, the sexual references were implied and would have gone over the heads of younger viewers, and the promo was correctly rated PGR.

Not Upheld: Good Taste and Decency, Children’s Interests

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