The Authority has not upheld a complaint that a brief Radio New Zealand (RNZ) News bulletin, reporting regarding violence in Amsterdam surrounding a football match between Ajax and Maccabi Tel Aviv, was inaccurate and unbalanced. The Authority found the brief, straightforward item did not amount to a ‘discussion’ of a controversial issue for the purposes of the balance standard; and listeners were unlikely to be misled by this single item given RNZ’s and other outlets’ earlier coverage of the events. By the time this item was broadcast, RNZ had already reported the information the complainant wished to be included in several other bulletins the previous evening and earlier the same day. Therefore, the Authority overall did not find any harm at a level justifying regulatory intervention.
Not Upheld: Balance, Accuracy
The Authority has not upheld a complaint alleging a 1News item reporting on violence in Amsterdam in November 2024 surrounding the Ajax v Maccabi Tel Aviv football match, breached the balance standard. The Authority acknowledged the violence in Amsterdam appeared to be ‘controversial’, but was satisfied that to the extent the item could be seen as ‘discussing’ the alleged causes or instigators of the violence, the item adequately reported the information the complainant considered was missing.
Not Upheld: Balance
The Authority has not upheld a complaint that a 1News report breached the accuracy standard through its story about the Independent Police Conduct Authority’s findings concerning a fatal shooting. The complainant considered the story misleading for its emphasis on the shooting being ‘unjustified’ without further context, including regarding the ‘fine margin’ of the decision. When considered as a whole, the Authority found a reasonable viewer was unlikely to come away from the broadcast with a wrong idea or impression of the facts.
Not Upheld: Accuracy
The Authority has not upheld a complaint about Sports Chat on RNZ’s Morning Report, during which the guest commentator briefly summarised violence surrounding the Maccabi Tel Aviv football match against local Dutch team Ajax in November in Amsterdam, including: ‘the Amsterdam Mayor has come out and said, look, criminals on scooters searched the city for Maccabi supporters in hit-and-run attacks. …said [they were] all antisemitic.’ The complaint was that RNZ ‘severely distorted’ the context of the events to the point of inaccuracy; discriminated against and denigrated ‘the Amsterdam people who responded to Maccabi’s racist provocations’ and immigrants, by ‘choosing to represent this as antisemitism’; and lacked balance and fairness by excluding Amsterdam locals’ perspective. The Authority did not uphold the complaint, finding the brief summary of the Amsterdam mayor’s response was not materially misleading in the context of Sports Chat, and the remaining standards did not apply.
Not Upheld: Discrimination and Denigration, Balance, Accuracy, Fairness
The Authority has not upheld a complaint that a ThreeNews segment breached the accuracy and fairness standards by stating Pete Hegseth has ‘no relevant experience’ for the position of United States Defence Secretary. The Authority found the comment was clearly distinguishable as comment, analysis or opinion to which the accuracy standard did not apply. While the comment can be seen as an overstatement, in the context of the overall broadcast and other reporting regarding Hegseth’s nomination, it was unlikely to mislead viewers, and any potential harm caused by omitting to outline Hegseth’s military experience is not at a level justifying our intervention or restriction of freedom of expression. Noting the threshold for finding a breach of the fairness standard is higher for politicians and public figures, the Authority also found the brief comment would not have left viewers with an unfairly negative impression of Hegseth.
Not Upheld: Accuracy, Fairness.
The Authority has not upheld a complaint about a ThreeNews item reporting on Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations about Haitian immigrants eating domestic pets, and on Winston Peters having also previously ‘campaigned against the consumption of dog meat’ and ‘[sold] himself as the saviour of pets’. The complainant considered this item breached the accuracy standard because it depicted Peters’ concerns as equivalent to Trump’s unfounded claims, which was materially misleading. The Authority found the broadcast did not portray Peters’ claims in a misleading or inaccurate manner. Although Trump and Peters were cited as having made contentious comments and selling themselves as ‘saviours of pets’, the broadcast did not present evidence to suggest Peters’ claims were unfounded or that he was an object of ridicule. The broadcast clearly outlined Peters’ assertions and the context of those claims. It featured footage of Peters responding to media questions on the matter, allowing the audience to form their own impression of Peters’ claims.
Not Upheld: Accuracy
The Authority has not upheld a complaint about comments made by the presenter of Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive regarding a suggestion by a representative of The New Zealand Initiative that New Zealand’s car seat regulations should be relaxed to increase birth rates (with reference to a United States study, ‘Car Seats as Contraception’). The presenter said, ‘And here’s the really challenging thing. Car seat regulations, they reckon might save about 60 children from dying in car crashes in a year across the [United] States, but they stop 8,000 families from having babies. So, you save 60, but you don’t have another 8,000. Maybe you’re better off having the 8,000 and losing the 60 – hey, I said it was going to challenge you.’ The complaint was that the presenter’s tone and comment was ‘appalling’ and suggested ‘losing 60 kids was not a bad deal’. The Authority found the presenter’s comments were unlikely to disproportionately offend or disturb the audience in the context of audience expectations of Newstalk ZB and this presenter, and given the presenter acknowledged several times the ideas discussed were ‘challenging’.
Not Upheld: Offensive and Disturbing Content
The Authority has not upheld a complaint that a TVNZ news report concerning an Israeli military operation in the Occupied West Bank breached the balance and accuracy standards. The Authority found the balance standard was not breached as the requirement to present additional perspectives is reduced for programmes narrowly focused on one aspect of a larger complex matter, and the audience could reasonably be expected to be aware of significant context and viewpoints from other media coverage. While noting the balance standard is not directed at bias, the Authority also identified no bias in the language used in the broadcast. The Authority also found reasonable viewers were unlikely to be misled by the content, language used or absence of further context.
Not Upheld: Balance and Accuracy
The Authority has not upheld a complaint that a segment of Fletch, Vaughan and Hayley, discussing the statistic that 20% of New Zealanders admitted to ‘snooping’ on their partners’ devices, breached the discrimination and denigration standard. Following a story about a listener catching her partner cheating using his ‘find my iPhone’, the hosts made brief comments that ‘the gays should run a course’. The complainant considered the segment denigrated people who identify as gay and perpetuated a negative stereotype that gay people are sneaky. In the context, the Authority found the comments were unlikely to encourage different treatment of gay people to their detriment or devalue the reputation of gay people.
Not Upheld: Discrimination and Denigration
The Authority has not upheld a complaint, under the balance and accuracy standards, about an item on 1News reporting on a New Zealand scientist’s research trip to Greenland. The complainant alleged that a comment made by the host that ‘if all the ice in Greenland were to melt, the sea would rise by seven metres,’ was incorrect, as research shows the sea level rise to be occurring at a much lower rate. The Authority did not uphold the complaint, noting reasonable viewers were unlikely to interpret the broadcast in the way the complainant described and were unlikely to be misled by the absence of further supporting information or information regarding who funded the research. The balance standard did not apply.
Not Upheld: Balance, Accuracy